AndrE’ Pernell Williams


Circle Shadow


Circle Shadow


About Me

Hey there, I’m Andre’ Williams I’m currently a DFW-based performer who has a passion for all things on and off stage. I was born in Shreveport, Louisiana but moved here to Dallas when I was very young I've lived here ever since. I’ve always been involved in the arts in some capacity whether acting, dancing, singing, sculpting, or painting. My journey with Theatre wasn’t seriously pursued until high school when I did a community theater production and fell in love with the craft.

I attended the University of Texas at Arlington where I received my BFA in Musical Theatre with a Minor in Dance. I’ve been fortunate enough to work with several theatres here in the DFW since I started pursuing performing professionally. Dallas has provided me with wonderful opportunities from masterclasses to special events like Elf on the Shelf. When I’m not onstage I enjoy reading, painting, and learning languages. I also have a special place in my heart for theatrical design. I’ve been granted the opportunity to design lighting and scenic elements for a few collaborated works with UTA's Theatre Arts Teaching Lab over the years and would love to continue designing in the future. My goal is to work on projects that move and inspire people. I would love to move to NY one day and continue that pursuit or wherever the universe decides to place me.

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The Bubbly Black Girl Sheds Her Chameleon Skin

What's a black girl from sunny Southern California to do? White people are blowing up black girls in Birmingham churches. Black people are shouting "Black is beautiful" while straightening their hair and coveting light skin. Viveca Stanton's answer. Slap on a bubbly smile and be as white as you can be! In a humorous and pointed coming-of-age story spanning the sixties through the nineties, Viveca blithely sails through the confusing worlds of racism, sexism and Broadway showbiz until she's forced to face the devastating effect self-denial has had on her life.

March 29th- May 5th

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If you’ve seen Andre’ Williams perform, you know what stage magic is all about. Andre’ is an outstanding singer and dancer who has brought his talents to many DFW stages. . .”


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Andre Pernell Williams, who is seduction personified as Lucas leading Viveca into temptation with “Come With Me.” Williams plays Lucas with such fire that I overheard a woman behind me saying, “He wouldn’t have to ask me twice!”

- Doug Sturdivant, DFWCenterStage

“...And while it should be noted that there are many showstopping moments, it is Andre Williams who delivers a stirring performance of Come with Me that leaves the audience wanting more, and shifts the energy of the show tremendously.”

-Rickey Wax, OnstageNTX

Contact Me
